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Self-defense pistol

Although this weapon has low damage (and a low cost), it's still handy for killing small aliens or finishing off big ones, thanks to its low Action Point cost.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low; objects → moderate!

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary/Secondary or NONE, depending on the role)

Tip/Hint: It's a CQW weapon, so you can use it with a shield.

Ammunition (from left to right):

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Bulleteer (SMG)

Depending on the amount and type of ammunition, it's not costy but perfect against every enemy. Thanks to the wide range of ammo variations, this weapon is capable for combos (freezing/shattering, acid/fire, poisoner).

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → moderate, but against objects: high!

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary/Secondary or NONE, depending on the role)

Tip/Hint: Since it's a CQW weapon, you can use it alongside a shield. A perfect choice for Medics or Technicians.

Pro tip → obtain ammo for the Bulleteer from a High-Caliber Auto-Turret, or load ammo into the turret if needed.

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Use HCB Standard Issue if you're on a low budget.
  • HCB High Explosive is for setting enemies on fire.
  • HCB Acid Charge is perfect for inflicting Acid damage and Poison/bio damage on flaming targets.
  • HCB MK-II (AP) is for Armor penetration.
  • Use HCB Cryo Charges to freeze an enemy.
  • HCB Bio-warfare is for stacking Poison/bio damage and Tranquilization/stun damage.
  • Use HCB MK-III (Ultra) for maximum damage output (increased damage, Armor Penetration, Impact force/knockback, and Incendiary/fire damage).

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This weapon deals devastating damage at close range, especially when using its secondary attack mode, the “Double Barrel.”

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): high at close range.

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary/Secondary or NONE, depending on the role)

Tip/Hint: It's a CQW weapon, meaning you can use it with a shield. It's a perfect choice for Medics or Technicians. Alternative weapon: The Duckodämmerung (more damage).

Ammunition (from left to right):

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Assault rifle

This weapon deals devastating damage at close range, especially when using its secondary attack mode, the “Full burst.”

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): high at close range.

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary or Secondary, depending on the role)

Tip/Hint: This weapon is a good choice for general roles. Its primary attack mode, the “Short Burst,” helps keep small aliens at bay and is also effective against ranged enemies. Alternative weapon: The Quacker (it trades accuracy for higher damage output.)

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Use .223 Standard Issue if you're on a low budget.
  • .223 FMJ (AP) reduces enemy armor and has a strong impact force/knockback effect.
  • .223 Mercury Ignition Charge is perfect for inflicting fire/acid damage on the target.
  • .223 JHP offers extra base damage output and some Tranquilization/stun damage.

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Sniper rifle

The first attack mode, “Precision shot” is for sniping any dangerous enemy from long rage.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → moderate, but against objects: high!

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary)

Tip/Hint: Keep your sniper at a safe distance; this is a basic rule. Whenever two enemies (or three, if the middle one is a flying enemy) are in a line, use “Pinpoint strike” to hit all of them. Additionally, when an enemy is frozen, this attack mode has a higher chance of shattering them.

Pro tip → Alternative weapon for sniping enemies:

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Use .223 Standard Issue if you're on a low budget.
  • .223 FMJ (AP) reduces enemy armor and has a strong impact force/knockback effect.
  • .223 Mercury Ignition Charge is perfect for inflicting fire/acid damage on the target.
  • .223 JHP offers extra base damage output and some Tranquilization/stun damage.

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Energy rifle

The first attack mode, “Controlled Impulse,” is perfect for keeping enemies at bay, with each hit potentially causing fire and some Tranquilization/stun damage. Although this weapon and its ammo are expensive, the low AP cost makes the Energy Rifle highly effective in terms of both cost and damage.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → moderate, but against objects: high!

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary is highly advised).

Tip/Hint: This weapon is effective for targeting enemies at both close and mid-range. Its second attack mode, “Discharge,” provides devastating AoE damage over a 3×3 grid, along with the previously mentioned effects.

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Energy Charge: the base ammo type for this weapon
  • Energy Charge (Condensed): it's more costy but more effective

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In the right hands, this weapon is a true weapon of mass destruction. It excels not only when used with the acid/fire combo but also in lowering enemy armor, freezing or stunning them, and delivering incredible poison damage to multiple enemies, thanks to the “Seeker Bolts” attack mode.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): low.

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary, highly recommended)

Tip/Hint: This is a CQW weapon, so you can create a damage-dealing marine who can also be somewhat tanky when using a shield.

Pro tip → obtain ammo for the QuadSeeker from a High-Caliber Auto-Turret, or load ammo into the turret if needed.

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Use HCB Standard Issue if you're on a low budget.
  • HCB High Explosive is for setting enemies on fire.
  • HCB Acid Charge is perfect for inflicting Acid damage and Poison/bio damage on flaming targets.
  • HCB MK-II (AP) is for Armor penetration.
  • Use HCB Cryo Charges to freeze an enemy.
  • HCB Bio-warfare is for stacking Poison/bio damage and Tranquilization/stun damage.
  • Use HCB MK-III (Ultra) for maximum damage output (increased damage, Armor Penetration, Impact force/knockback, and Incendiary/fire damage).

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A cheaper heavy weapon that works well against both single targets (with the Focused Fire attack mode) and multiple targets (in a 3×3 area with the Scatter attack mode).

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): High.

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Use this weapon to deal significant damage to enemies from close range (adjacent grid, ideally from behind). It’s also ideal for demolishing walls, doors, or objects.

Pro tip #1 → obtain ammo for the Minigun from a 7.62mm Auto-Turret, or load ammo into the turret if needed.

Pro tip #2 → Effective demolisher weapons:

Ammunition (from left to right):

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Grenade launcher

The Grenade Launcher is one of the best AoE weapons, offering a wide range of ammunition types. Its primary attack mode, the Grenade, has a larger area of effect, while its secondary mode, the Micro-Rocket, has a smaller but still effective area of effect.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): Very high.

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Adjust the ammunition based on the situation (acid/fire combo, freezing/shattering combo, etc.).

Pro tip → Alternative weapon for sniping enemies:

Ammunition (from left to right):

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If you need to burn an area or create a line of fire, use this weapon—you won't be disappointed. However, be careful, as chain reactions may occur when using the Flamethrower, so be mindful of where your squad members are standing.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): as fire → low on walls/structures; if it explodes → high!

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: It's easy to spill Hydrazine on the floor with any of your marines, so keep some Hydrazine in your inventory. Look for Hydrazine barrels on the map, and procure more if you need additional ammo.

Pro tip: Set your enemies on fire, then use Acid Charges to feed the flames! Recommended Weapon/Ammo: Bulleteer/HCB Acid Charge; Shotgun/12g shells (Acid Charge); QuadSeeker/HCB Acid Charge; Grenade launcher/M50-X Grenade (Acid Charge)

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Hydrazine: Rocket fuel, not cheap, but very efficient.
  • Hydrazine (Inferno Mix): Expensive, but more powerful (extra damage + fire damage)

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Laser scorcher

Although both the weapon and its ammo are pricey, their devastating power is impressive. The first attack mode, Disintegrate, lets you snipe a single target, while the second mode, Line Scorch, burns every alien in its path.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low; objects: high.

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Wait for the best positioning of the targets, and roast them all. If you can afford it, use Condensed Energy Charges, which your enemies cannot stand.

Pro tip → Alternative weapon for sniping enemies:

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Energy Charge: The base ammo type for this weapon
  • Energy Charge (Condensed): It's more costy, but way more effective

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A 2-in-1 weapon that can heal allies and damage aliens with its first attack mode, Inject. The real savage attack mode is the second one, which covers a 5×5 area with biotoxin that only damages aliens (Tranquilization + Poison).

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): none.

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Even though using this weapon is costly, its crowd-control ability is quite unique. Not to mention its support role, as you don't need to stand right next to a fellow marine to heal them.

Ammunition (from left to right):

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Nuclear hand cannon

If you need to snipe down any alien, the Nuclear Hand Cannon is one of the best choices. Its first attack mode, Breach & Embed, deals significant damage along with a huge impact force and marks the target, allowing you to see them even if they flee into the Fog of War. The second attack mode, Detonate, triggers an explosion in a 3×3 grid area.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects → high!

Recommended Specialization: Heavy arms (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: First, you need to freeze the target (e.g., with a CryoBlaster, Cryo Grenade, or any weapon that uses Cryo charges). Then, simply hit them with this weapon to shatter them into pieces (freezing/shattering combo).

Pro tip #1: Use 'Breach & Embed' twice before activating 'Detonate' to cause a more damaging explosion.

Pro tip #2 → Alternative weapon for sniping enemies:

Ammunition (from left to right):

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A handy weapon when the situation requires slowing down a single target or multiple targets. First, the alien(s) become Chilled, and if more Cryo damage is dealt to the target(s), they become Frozen. Lesser aliens (like Wurms or Swarmers) can be easily sniped using the CryoBlaster.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects → high!

Recommended Specialization: Marksmanship (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Both attack modes can extinguish fires on the ground in addition to causing damage.

Pro tip: Freeze and shatter your targets by using this weapon (or any weapon with Cryo charges to freeze your enemy), followed by another weapon with significant impact force (e.g., the Sniper rifle, Nuclear hand cannon, Grenade launcher, Shotgun at close range with the Double Barrel attack mode, or any explosive like grenades or the Smart Mine).

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Energy Charge: the base ammo type for this weapon
  • Energy Charge (Condensed): it's more costy but more effective

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Combat knife

The budget-friendly solution for any melee unit. When wielding a shield, it still provides extra defense to the Bastion. All three attack modes cost low Action Points, but are still capable of stacking a lot of Bleeding and other types of damage, especially when the right upgrades are applied. Long story short: using this weapon is better than relying on melee attacks with an empty weapon.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects: medium.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat (Primary/Secondary Specialization).

Tip/Hint: All melee weapons will debilitate the target, weakening their attack. (Psst! Some Prototypes are OP, so don't underestimate this weapon.)

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Frontier Axe

As a dedicated melee weapon, it is reliable and cost-effective. It deals more damage than a Combat knife and also applies debilitation to the target, making their attacks weaker.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects: medium.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat (Primary/Secondary Specialization).

Tip/Hint: Be sure to consider the upgrades and Prototype versions of this combat axe.

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Stun baton

While its first attack mode, Bash, only causes minor damage and has a low debilitation chance, the Stun baton's second and third attack modes will debilitate the target and cause Tranq./stun damage as well. (Debilitated enemies have weaker attacks.)

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects: high.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat (Primary/Secondary Specialization).

Tip/Hint: The third attack mode, Knockout, inflicts Paralysis on the target, which can be useful for taking out aliens that should be sniped or if you need time to reposition your squad members.

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Energy Charge: the base ammo type for this weapon
  • Energy Charge (Condensed): it's more costy but more effective

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This finely crafted weapon can carry you to the highest difficulty levels. Its defensive and offensive values are both remarkable. If you find a good Prototype, upgrade it, and your melee unit will be able to thin out enemies surely.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low, objects: high.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat (Primary/Secondary Specialization).

Tip/Hint: The 'Combo' attack mode allows you to hit targets from 2 grids away, so you can attack anything that explodes in a 3×3 area (like Hydrazine barrels and Scorpions–but mind the possibility of a chain reaction) or aliens with harmful auras, such as the Organ Shepherd, without receiving any damage.

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Energy Blade

It is very expensive to maintain an Energy blade, but in return, it is a highly effective melee weapon. Its first attack mode, Charged Cut, and second attack mode, Electrocute, are designed for single targets, while the third mode, Stormblast, is an AoE attack (3×3 grid).

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → medium, objects: very high.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat (Primary, highly recommended).

Tip/Hint: Not only is it brutally devastating, but it also has a chance to return Action Points for each enemy hit.

Pro tip: Be mindful of the amount of ammunition you give to the wielder of this weapon, and use condensed Energy charges for maximum damage output if possible.

Ammunition (from left to right):

  • Energy Charge: the base ammo type for this weapon
  • Energy Charge (Condensed): it's more costy but more effective

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Riot shield

This shield is a mandatory partner for a Bastion (Melee unit) and can also benefit any CQW unit, making them a bit more tanky. Any squad member using a weapon marked as CQW can equip a shield. These weapons include: Self-Defense Pistol, Bulleteer, Shotgun, and QuadSeeker.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat and Agility are both recommended for a Bastion, while Agility is advised for a CQW unit (as this shield reduces AP costs by 15%).

Tip/Hint: Deactivate the shield if you need extra Action Points for the next turn, especially when there’s no immediate threat to the unit but it needs to move further, requiring more AP.

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Energy shield

The best choice for Bastions sent on missions at higher difficulties (or missions where heavy threats are expected) due to its defensive values, lower AP reduction, and Shadow energy resistance & protection.

Recommended Specialization: Melee combat and Agility are both recommended for a Bastion, while Agility is advised for a CQW unit (as this shield reduces AP costs by 10%).

Tip/Hint: Use this shield when you expect to encounter aliens that use Shadow energy, as the Energy shield provides 10% resistance and 25% protection against Shadow energy (e.g., Shadow Envoys, Greater Shadow Envoys, and Wunderwurms).

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Frag grenade

This grenade is for general purposes: demolition, area-of-effect (AoE) damage, and causing chain reactions (for example with Hydrazine barrels/pools). Alternative version: the Ducky grenade (much more damage).

General info:

Is to be thrown at a target grid (6 AP)(base AP cost: 15)

  • Max. throw range: 5
  • Damage area: 3×3 grid.
  • Damage: 75-150 (ArP: 35)
  • Knockback force: 75

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use!


  • - Friendly Fire Lock settings will be ignored.
  • - Mind friendlies (incl. self) in target area!

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): High.

Recommended Specialization: Any/Field expertise.

Tip/Hint: Use it to demolish walls and doors or to eliminate aliens (lethal against lesser specimens, like Wurms and Swarmers). Additionally, frozen targets may shatter due to an explosion.

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Incendiary grenade

Any enemy that is not fire-resistant (except Scorpions) will burn when you throw this grenade at them. (Be mindful of Hydro maps with water, as fire-based damage is not effective on these maps.)

General info:

Is to be thrown at a target grid (6 AP)(base AP cost: 15)

  • Max. throw range: 5
  • Damage area: 3×3 grid.
  • Damage: 50-100 (ArP: 25)
  • Knockback force: 25
  • Incendiary (fire) damage: 250 (*will not be effective when placed in water.)

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use!


  • - Friendly Fire Lock settings will be ignored.
  • - Mind friendlies (incl. self) in target area!

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low; objects → high!

Recommended Specialization: Any/Field expertise.

Tip/Hint: Set your enemies on fire, then use Acid Charges to feed the flames! Recommended Weapon/Ammo: Bulleteer/HCB Acid Charge; Shotgun/12g shells (Acid Charge); QuadSeeker/HCB Acid Charge; Grenade launcher/M50-X Grenade (Acid Charge)

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Cryo grenade

Take some Cryo grenades if you need to slow down or freeze your enemies. They work perfectly with the CryoBlaster, the Grenade Launcher (when using Cryo Charge grenades), and weapons that use HCB Cryo Charges (e.g., Bulleteer, QuadSeeker, High-Caliber Auto-Turret).

General info:

Is to be thrown at a target grid (6 AP)(base AP cost: 15)

  • Max. throw range: 5
  • Damage area: 3×3 grid.
  • Damage: 50-100 (ArP: 50)
  • Knockback force: 25
  • Cryo damage: 125

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use!


  • - Friendly Fire Lock settings will be ignored.
  • - Mind friendlies (incl. self) in target area!

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → low; objects → high!

Recommended Specialization: Any/Field expertise.

Tip/Hint: This grenade is perfect for the freezing & shattering combo. It also extinguishes fire.

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Smart mine

Deploy this mine with an Electrotechnician expert (for fewer AP) in a strategic location and then retreat. This mine will destroy nearly everything, depending on the difficulty level, of course. Note: Larger walls or bigger aliens will weaken its effect.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Is to be deployed on a target grid in proximity (8 AP)(base AP cost: 15)

Usage instructions:

  • Activate the item, then select a marked target grid to deploy on. Deactivate to cancel.
  • Can only be deployed on clean surfaces (no debris, alien growths, etc.)
  • Detonates when an enemy is in proximity, AND no friendlies are in the blast radius.
  • CAUTION! Potential damage from explosion chains is not considered!
  • Damage area: 5×5 grid.
  • Base damage: 350-500 (ArP: 50), distance falloff factor: x0.85
  • Knockback force: 100
  • Incendiary (fire) damage: 200 (*will not be effective when placed in water.)
  • Can be instantly detonated by performing a hacking action from a safe distance.
  • Can be disarmed (and then picked up) by performing a hacking action from proximity.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use!

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): Very high!

Recommended Specialization: Electrotechnics (Primary/Secondary Spec.)

Tip/Hint: Use a more advanced hacking tool, the Primotron Chimeira, to activate it from a safe distance (min. 5 grids, and up to 10 grids) during your turn. It can be disarmed and picked up with a hacking action.

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Use these turrets to fend off the alien horde. These deployable ordnances are durable and have massive damage output at both close and long ranges. Its first attack mode, Scatter, is an AoE attack (3×3 grids). The second mode targets single enemies, while the third mode, though slightly weaker, has a longer range than the first two.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Is to be deployed on a target grid in proximity (15 AP)(base AP cost: 30)
  • Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions)!

Usage instructions:

  • Activate item, then select a marked target grid to deploy on. Deactivate to cancel.
  • Can only be deployed on clean surfaces (no debris, alien growths, etc.)
  • Ordnance (mounted): RI MG-12 “Shvetaketu” (7.62mm x750)
  • Starting ammunition: FMJ (AP) x750 + High Explosive x250
  • Can be selected and used as a unit, but with restrictions.
  • Has 50 Action Points per turn. Automatically enters Defense Mode on end turn.
  • Mounted weapon cannot be removed.
  • Its inventory only accepts 7.62mm ammo items (these can be ejected).
  • Cannot move, but can turn (important for area of overwatch).
  • Completely immune to all elemental damage.
  • Can be shut down (and then picked up) at any time with its special 0 AP action.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): High.

Recommended Specialization: Electrotechnics (Primary Spec.)/none.

Tip/Hint: Of course, each marine can handle a turret, but if an Electrotechnics expert (with 5/5 in Skill) deploys it, a +25% damage bonus will be applied. Not to mention the lower Action Point cost for deploying these ordnances.

Pro tip: The Minigun can be reloaded using ammo from a turret. Conversely, any turret can be supplied with any type of 7.62mm ammunition, and every squad member can add or remove ammo.


  • These two types of ammunition can also be used in the turret:
  • 7.62mm Standard Issue: If you're on a low budget. (1st icon)
  • 7.62mm JHP: For increased damage and Tranquilization/stun damage. (3rd icon)

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HC Turret

Use these turrets to fend off the alien horde. These deployable ordnances are durable and have massive damage output at close and long ranges. Its first attack mode, Penetrating shot, is a long-range single-target attack. The second mode, Focus burst targets single enemies with great damage, while the third mode, Overdrive, costs a lot of AP but also has a brutal damage output.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Is to be deployed on a target grid in proximity (12 AP)(base AP cost: 25)
  • Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions)!

Usage instructions:

  • Activate item, then select a marked target grid to deploy on. Deactivate to cancel.
  • Can only be deployed on clean surfaces (no debris, alien growths, etc.)
  • Ordnance (mounted): FW-USC-60H “Hammer” (HCB x500)
  • Starting ammunition: MKII x1000 + Cryo x250
  • Can be selected and used as a unit, but with restrictions.
  • Has 50 Action Points per turn. Automatically enters Defense Mode on end turn.
  • Mounted weapon cannot be removed.
  • Its inventory only accepts HCB ammo items (these can be ejected).
  • Cannot move, but can turn (important for area of overwatch).
  • Completely immune to all elemental damage.
  • Can be shut down (and then picked up) at any time with its special 0 AP action.

Demolition effect (walls/structures/objects): walls/structures → Medium, objects: High.

Recommended Specialization: Electrotechnics (Primary Spec.)/none.

Tip/Hint: Of course, each marine can handle a turret, but if an Electrotechnics expert (with 5/5 in Skill) deploys it, a +25% damage bonus will be applied. Not to mention the lower Action Point cost for deploying these ordnances.


  • Starting ammunition:
  • HCB MK-II (AP) is for Armor penetration: x750 + x250 loaded.
  • Use HCB Cryo Charges to freeze an enemy: x250.
  • These types of ammunition can also be used in the turret:
  • Use HCB Standard Issue if you're on a low budget.
  • HCB Acid Charge is perfect for inflicting Acid damage and Poison/bio damage on flaming targets.
  • HCB High Explosive is for setting enemies on fire.
  • HHCB Bio-warfare is for stacking Poison/bio damage and Tranquilization/stun damage.
  • Use HCB MK-III (Ultra) for maximum damage output (increased damage, Armor Penetration, Impact force/knockback, and Incendiary/fire damage).

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If you have the required crafting materials and have obtained Weapon Upgrade Blueprints (available from the start of the Campaign mode), you can boost your weapons with up to 3 upgrades. Applying these upgrades can be a real game-changer!

Pro tip: Check your upgrades regularly and select those that best suit the current mission or squad composition.

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usccf_weapons.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/28 14:51 by admin