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Here, you can find extra information about Equipment and Crafting materials, along with tips and hints that might help you when fighting the aliens.

Table of Contents


Cheap pills for recovering some Health and Morale, and they also help with Tranquilization buildup.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Stimulants (Endurance) (+50%)
  • Use on self only (1 AP)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 8 (5) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 2 (2) Morale.
  • Instantly conveys 5 Tranquilization buildup (This will NOT cause Paralysis immediately, but may do so in the next turn.)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Important: Stimulants have NO Morale requirements to be used.

Tip/Hint: Although it's a cheap medicine, use it wisely, as taking too much of this stimulant could cause Paralysis.

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BioMax RAD

It’s essential for each marine to carry some of these pills.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Stimulants (Endurance) (+50%)
  • Use on self only (5 AP)

Usage effects:

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Important: Stimulants have NO Morale requirements to be used.

Tip/Hint: If the Medic is busy or can’t reach certain units, they should manage Acid / Poison buildup on their own, and these pills provide a temporary solution. All units should carry a few BioMax RAD stimulants. However, BAT (Bioactive anti-toxin) is more effective against larger amounts of Poison buildup. Some map types and enemies can cause significant Poison buildup on your units, so don’t forget to address it. Also, if the situation requires for example to move/change position, you can treat your marines in a later turn. Sometimes it’s better to keep the buildup low rather than using all your medicines, as later encounters might cause serious damage.

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Health stimulant

Despite its low healing effect, this stimulant is a real lifesaver.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Stimulants (Endurance) (+50%)
  • Use on self only (5 AP)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 38 (25) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 3 (2) Morale.
  • Instantly conveys 10 Tranquilization buildup (This will NOT cause Paralysis immediately, but may do so in the next turn.)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Important: Stimulants have NO Morale requirements to be used.

Tip/Hint: If the Medic is out of reach or the marine gets separated from the squad while taking damage, this stimulant can also be a lifesaver in many situations. Always bring some of these stimulants, as they're not expensive.

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Morale stimulant

This stimulant excels in hopeless situations, as your units need a certain amount of Morale to carry out specific actions.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Stimulants (Endurance) (+50%)
  • Use on self only (5 AP)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 22 (15) Morale.
  • Instantly conveys 10 Tranquilization buildup (This will NOT cause Paralysis immediately, but may do so in the next turn.)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Important: Stimulants have NO Morale requirements to be used.

Tip/Hint: If your marines, or even just one marine, sustain significant damage and suffer injuries—or, worse, if you lose a unit—morale will drop for the entire Squad. To manage this, you can boost morale by defeating enemies or consider using Morale stimulants (or other medical equipment) to prevent Panic or Berserk states. These states can disrupt your Squad's formation and lead to losses. It’s advisable to carry a few Morale stimulants with your Squad members, not just when playing at higher difficulty levels. Certain situations, such as poor positioning, low AP, or flanking, can be difficult to control without managing Morale.

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(bioactive anti-toxin)

The remedy for serious Poison buildup.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on self only (6 AP)(base AP cost: 8)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 5 (3) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 10 (3) stacks of Bleeding.
  • Instantly decreases Tranquilization buildup by 40 (25). (This does NOT affect a current Paralysis, but will help in the next turn.)
  • Instantly decreases Poison buildup by 40 (25).

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: One of the Medic's favorite tools, though all units can use it, is most effective in a Medic's hands. Since many enemies cause Poison or Tranquilization buildup, it’s wise to carry at least one stack of this elixir. You'll definitely need it. P.S.: When health management is handled well, a Poison buildup of 20-30 is not a big deal.

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Use this plaster to cover minor wounds, recover some Health and Morale, and heal Bleeding.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on self only (1 AP)(base AP cost: 2)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 8 (5) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 2 (1) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 10 (3) stacks of Bleeding.

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Yes, it’s cheap. While there are better healing options for maintaining health and stopping or healing Bleeding, there are definitely worst-case scenarios where Novoplast could save your marines. (Mic drop!)

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Sure, it's not expensive, but you better believe it's an extremely useful medical item. And not just when you've run out of other healing supplies.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on self only (5 AP)(base AP cost: 7)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 32 (20) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 8 (5) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 16 (5) stacks of Bleeding.

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Using Bandages is the cheapest way to manage Bleeding while also recovering some Health and Morale. It’s advisable to keep Bandages in your marines' Inventory so you don’t have to rely solely on your Medic.

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First aid kit

This is the smallest package of aid kits.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry|Biochemistry]]) (+60%)
  • Use on self only (8 AP)(base AP cost: 12)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 80 (50) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 32 (20) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 32 (10) stacks of Bleeding.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!) → To avoid this, check out the Biochemistry Primary Specialization!

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: At lower difficulty levels, it’s usually sufficient to keep your marines in good shape. Given that the Medic is a Biochemistry expert, it’s best for them to use this item for maximum effectiveness. When you loot these kits, you can distribute them to other marines as a backup. However, if your Medic has free Inventory slots, it’s highly advised to pass this item to them.

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A medium-potency medicinal item at an affordable price.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on self only (11 AP)(base AP cost: 16)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 160 (100) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 56 (35) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 80 (25) stacks of Bleeding.
  • Instantly decreases Tranquilization buildup by 40 (25). (This does NOT affect a current Paralysis, but will help in the next turn.)

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!) → To avoid this, check out the Biochemistry Primary Specialization!

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Use in dire situations on yourself, or pass it to the Medic, who excels in Biochemistry and can use this item much more effectively than an untrained marine.

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Trauma kit

Its name is apt because serious injuries are likely to occur during missions.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on adjacent biological units only (NOT on SELF!) (14 AP)(base AP cost: 20)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 160 (100) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 56 (35) Morale.
  • Instantly stops/heals 80 (25) stacks of Bleeding.
  • Instantly decreases Tranquilization buildup by 40 (25). (This does NOT affect a current Paralysis, but will help in the next turn.)
  • Instantly neutralizes all current Tranquilization/Paralysis.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!) → To avoid this, check out the Biochemistry Primary Specialization!

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Of course, this item is a wildcard for dealing with severe injuries. However, thanks to the Biochemistry Skill (5/5 + Primary Specialization), treating a unit with missing Health of less than 50% of the max. item effectiveness will NOT consume the item. This also applies to the First aid kit, the Medikit, and the Trauma kit, allowing you to treat lesser wounds without using up the medical item.

Pro tip: Keep your squad members' Health above about 70% of their maximum Health, and you'll rarely run out of healing kits—under general conditions, of course.

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Not only does it heal the unit (Health and Morale), but its anti-hazard ability is also compelling.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on adjacent biological units only (NOT on SELF!) (21 AP)(base AP cost: 30)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly recovers 160 (100) Health.
  • Instantly recovers 80 (50) Morale.
  • Instantly decreases Tranquilization buildup by 80 (50). (This does NOT affect a current Paralysis, but will help in the next turn.)
  • Instantly decreases Fire buildup by 400 (250), and cancels Burning.
  • Instantly decreases Acid buildup by 80 (50).
  • Instantly decreases Poison buildup by 120 (75).
  • Instantly decreases Cryo buildup by 400 (250), and cancels a Chilled/Frozen status.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!) → To avoid this, check out the Biochemistry Primary Specialization!

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: All harmful (or deadly) amounts of buildups (Tranquilization, Fire, Acid, Poison, and Cryo—except Shadow energy) disappear in the blink of an eye—along with the item itself. Use it wisely, as it is expensive.

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A healing device, it’s an excellent choice for a Bastion due to its beneficial effect at the start of each turn!

General info:

  • Keep in inventory to automatically receive benefits.
  • Effects from multiple instances of this item do NOT stack.


  • Restores 30% of missing Health at the start of every Turn. (i.e. only 15 HP if 50 is missing, but 45 if 150 is missing, etc.)
  • Heals 25% of Bleeding at the start of every Turn.
  • All effects are applied before any damage is taken!

Tip/Hint: You only need to keep it in your inventory. Moreover, any unit can benefit from it, so if any of your marines need to restore health, just pass the item to them.

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(fire & acid neutralizer)

This item is essential; you should always keep a few pieces with your Squad. (Just mind the Acydias and Scorpions.)

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Healing (Biochemistry) (+60%)
  • Use on SELF or ANY adjacent biological unit (7 AP)(base AP cost: 10)

Usage effects:

  • Instantly decreases Fire buildup by 320 (200), and cancels Burning.
  • Instantly decreases Acid buildup by 80 (50).

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: This item is ideal for encounters with Acydias or when one of your squad members has a high Fire buildup. Just use the item, and it will provide significant help. (Remember, you can restore your Armor during a mission using Armor repair kits.)

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Tactical Laser Scope

Need extra Critical Hit Chance (CHC), Critical Damage (CDF), or Accuracy? No problem. Just make sure the unit has one of these scopes in their inventory.

General info:

  • Keep in inventory to automatically apply modifiers to suitable items.
  • Modifiers from multiple instances of this item do NOT stack.


  • Critical Hit Chance (CHC): +5%
  • Critical Damage Factor (CDF): +0.15%
  • Accuracy: +3

Tip/Hint: No matter what weapon a unit has, this item will boost its damage output. It's perfect for Snipers and Heavy arm specialists, as they typically have more space in their inventory.

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Welding torch

Ideal for situations where you need to either keep a door shut or repair a damaged one.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use on closed doors (20 AP)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to seal/unseal doors and service tunnel hatches.
  • You need to be standing next to the target device.
  • Sealed doors cannot be opened by any means, except for breaking them down. (Unsealed doors may still not open if they're electronically locked.)
  • While welding a door shut, an amount of repair is also automatically applied.
  • Repairs 188 (150) Integrity and 31 (25) Armor rating.

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Keep it handy for on-the-go repairs and crafting. Remember that this equipment can be used by any of your marines, not just Technicians; however, Technicians perform repairs on Integrity and Armor rating more efficiently.

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Field repair kit

Portable kit for emergency repairs on objects in the field.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use on damaged walls, closed doors, or man-made objects (12 AP) (base AP cost: 25)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to restore the lost Integrity and Armor of structural elements (walls, doors) and man-made objects (containers, machines, etc.)
  • Cannot be used on units!
  • You need to be standing next to the target.
  • Repairs 250 (200) Integrity and 38 (30) Armor rating.

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Use it to keep walls or doors intact, buying you time to reposition or escape.

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Force field emitter

Ideal for defense in open areas or tight spaces; can seal hull breaches for up to 5 turns.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Is to be deployed on a target grid in proximity (8 AP) (base AP cost: 15)

Usage instructions:

  • Creates an impassable, indestructible energy barrier in place (1×1 area).
  • The barrier also blocks all projectiles.
  • It can be used to seal hull breaches on spaceships.
  • It can be turned on/off manually (100% chance), or with any hacking device.
  • It can be disarmed, and then picked up to be used again elsewhere. Use any hacking device while standing on top of it (when off) to do this. (Hold [Left Alt] to move on top of it instead of interacting with it.)
  • It has energy for 5 Turns of continuous operation.
  • Doesn't deplete energy while toggled off.
  • Automatically disarms itself when completely drained.
  • In Campaign mode, energy is fully recharged between missions.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Create choke points in corridors with this barrier, which will also make it harder for ranged enemies to aim at your squad members.

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A device for hacking targets like doors, databanks, and more from close range.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: IT & Hacking (Electrotechnics) (+125%)
  • Use on any electronic circuitry (doors, computers, etc.) (10 AP) (base AP cost: 20)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to hack electronic systems (doors, computers, etc.)
  • Proficiency in Electrotechnics is not required, but it improves the chance of success.
  • A new hacking operation is needed every time you want to access a system.
  • Success chance of hacking: base chance + chance from item - (target level * 25).

Effect of hacking by system type:

  • Closed doors: unlock/relock (a locked door can't be opened) (Unlocked doors may still not open if they're welded shut.)
  • Computers: access connected subsystems (i.e. start a generator, etc.)
  • Databanks: download data
  • Provides +50% base success rate to hacking operations.
  • Effective hacking range: 1 grid(s)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: If you're on a tight budget, still get one of these devices, as it will be very useful for controlling enemy movement. Consider obtaining a Primotron Cerberus or Primotron Chimeira, as these tools are more effective and can be used from a distance.

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This is the cheapest hacking tool in the game, but it is consumed upon use.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: IT & Hacking (Electrotechnics)(+125%)
  • Use on any electronic circuitry (doors, computers, etc.) (5 AP) (base AP cost: 10)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to hack electronic systems (doors, computers, etc.)
  • Proficiency in Electrotechnics is not required, but it improves the chance of success.
  • A new hacking operation is needed every time you want to access a system.
  • Success chance of hacking: base chance + chance from item - (target level * 25).

Effect of hacking by system type:

  • Closed doors: unlock/relock (a locked door can't be opened) (Unlocked doors may still not open if they're welded shut.)
  • Computers: access connected subsystems (i.e. start a generator, etc.)
  • Databanks: download data
  • Provides +80% base success rate to hacking operations.
  • Effective hacking range: 1 grid(s)

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: This device is ideal when you're low on Action Points. Additionally, marines not trained in Electrotechnics can use this tool to improve their chances of successfully completing a hacking operation.

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Primotron Cerberus

A mid-range hacking device with an effective hacking range of 3 grids.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: IT & Hacking (Electrotechnics)(+125%)
  • Use on any electronic circuitry (doors, computers, etc.) (15 AP) (base AP cost: 30)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to hack electronic systems (doors, computers, etc.)
  • Proficiency in Electrotechnics is not required, but it improves the chance of success.
  • A new hacking operation is needed every time you want to access a system.
  • Success chance of hacking: base chance + chance from item - (target level * 25).

Effect of hacking by system type:

  • Closed doors: unlock/relock (a locked door can't be opened) (Unlocked doors may still not open if they're welded shut.)
  • Computers: access connected subsystems (i.e. start a generator, etc.)
  • Databanks: download data
  • Provides +75% base success rate to hacking operations.
  • Effective hacking range: 3 grid(s)
  • Can be used to bypass hardwired circuit protection. (I.e. systems that are operated through a central hub located elsewhere.)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Use this hacking tool if you can't afford a Primotron Chimeira but want something better than a Quickhacker.

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Primotron Chimeira

The best of the best among modern hacking devices, not only for its effectiveness but also because your units can use it from a long distance of 10 grids.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: IT & Hacking (Electrotechnics)(+125%)
  • Use on any electronic circuitry (doors, computers, etc.) (12 AP) (base AP cost: 25)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to hack electronic systems (doors, computers, etc.)
  • Proficiency in Electrotechnics is not required, but it improves the chance of success.
  • A new hacking operation is needed every time you want to access a system.
  • Success chance of hacking: base chance + chance from item - (target level * 25).

Effect of hacking by system type:

  • Closed doors: unlock/relock (a locked door can't be opened) (Unlocked doors may still not open if they're welded shut.)
  • Computers: access connected subsystems (i.e. start a generator, etc.)
  • Databanks: download data
  • Provides +100% base success rate to hacking operations.
  • Effective hacking range: 10 grid(s)
  • Can be used to bypass hardwired circuit protection. (I.e. systems that are operated through a central hub located elsewhere.)

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Deploy a Smart mine when the enemy is clustering around your squad members. Move everyone to a safe distance and use this tool to detonate the mine remotely. This method lets you take advantage of the explosion on your turn, rather than waiting for an alien to trigger it.

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Structure scanner

Scans structural elements in the direction your marine is facing while removing the Fog of War.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use (activate) while facing the desired direction (6 AP) (base AP cost: 12)

Usage instructions:

  • Permanently reveals structure, and all other static objects in a direction
  • Does NOT reveal enemy units!
  • Works in a 90-degrees angle
  • Range: 15 grids
  • Has infinite uses
  • Face the desired direction, then simply use the item to perform a scan!

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: This device excels when you need to plan your next action or determine the best direction to move, especially if the map's layout and the route to the target location are unknown. It has a low AP cost to use, but you need to figure out how to afford having one of these in your marines' inventory.

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Biosign scanner

This scanner will inform you about the current positions and threat levels of the aliens lurking around your squad.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use (activate) on demand (5 AP) (base AP cost: 10)

Usage instructions:

  • Reveals the position of all enemies in a radius, even if Fog of War
  • Enemy positions will be shown as a green, yellow, red, or magenta threat marker, based on their strength and type
  • If an enemy is visible within a range of 10 (i.e. you have active Line of Sight), its exact Health/Armor/AP values will be revealed until the next Turn
  • Does NOT reveal structure / remove FoW!
  • Works in full 360-degrees
  • Range: 15 grids
  • Has infinite uses
  • Simply use the item to perform a scan. No targeting required.

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Using this item is more than just being smart; it's a matter of life and death. It's easy to use for monitoring the current threat at a low AP cost. This tool is essential when preparing to attack a Nest.

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Stealth kit

Temporarily cloaks the user to avoid detection and provides additional Ranged and Melee Defense Value.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use on SELF only (5 AP) (base AP cost: 10)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to hide from any kind of enemy detection.
  • Proficiency in Electrotechnics improves the efficiency and duration of cloaking.

Activating the item will generate an entropy field that dissipates with time, as well as with the movement/actions and hits taken by the user:

  • Dissipation: 20% efficiency per turn, and 5% per hit taken
  • Actions taken reduce effectiveness by their Action Points cost.
  • Increases Ranged Defense Value by 1 per every 20% field strength.
  • Increases Melee Defense Value by 1 per every 10% field strength.
  • The item can be activated again at any time to refresh the entropy field.
  • An entropy field will be instantly nullified if the item is removed from inventory.
  • Fields generated by multiple instances of the PEFG do NOT stack.
  • Entropy (cloaking) field strength: 125 (100) %

Note: Maximum effectiveness is shown when the respective Skill is maxed out. The number in brackets shows the base effectiveness, without any Skill Points spent on the related skill.

Tip/Hint: Note that the user won't be completely hidden from the enemy, but most aliens will not detect them.

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Extra armor plating

Extra armor plating

Increases your defenses by the amounts listed below in exchange for a small reduction in Action Points.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Reduces maximum and current Action Points by 8%.
  • Increases current frontal and rear Armor Rating by 35%.
  • Increases Knockback resistance by 25%.
  • Increases Fire protection by 10%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 10%.


Extra armor plating MKII

Advanced plating for superior damage reduction.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Reduces maximum and current Action Points by 5%.
  • Increases current frontal and rear Armor Rating by 45%.
  • Increases Knockback resistance by 30%.
  • Increases Fire protection by 15%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 15%.

Tip/Hint: Ideal for frontline fighters needing more survivability (Bastion), these armors are essential. If you have enough inventory space, this equipment will benefit any marine. Try to obtain the upgraded version, as it only reduces your AP by 5%.

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PAC boots

Standard footwear for deployed units.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Increases current frontal and rear Armor Rating by 10%.
  • Increases Fire resistance by 10%.
  • Increases Acid resistance by 25%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 50%.


AW combat boots

Enhances combat agility.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Increases current frontal and rear Armor Rating by 15%.
  • Increases Fire resistance by 15%.
  • Increases Acid resistance by 35%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 60%.

Tip/Hint: In such a dangerous environment, equip your units with these boots. The best part is that they do not reduce the unit's AP.

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Combat helmet

Basic headgear that provides extra Armor rating along with some protection and resistance for the marine, in exchange for a minor reduction in Action Points.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Reduces maximum and current Action Points by 4%.
  • Increases current frontal Armor Rating by 10%.
  • Increases Knockback protection by 25%.
  • Increases Fire resistance by 25%.
  • Increases Fire protection by 25%.


Advanced combat helmet

Enhanced helmet offering superior protection with even less AP reduction.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Reduces maximum and current Action Points by 3%.
  • Increases current frontal Armor Rating by 15%.
  • Increases Knockback protection by 30%.
  • Increases Fire resistance by 30%.
  • Increases Fire protection by 30%.
  • Increases Acid resistance by 5%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 5%.
  • Increases Posion resistance by 5%.
  • Increases Posion protection by 5%.

Tip/Hint: Compare these helmets with the Gas mask and choose the one based on the anticipated threat. At higher difficulty levels, using a Gas mask instead of a helmet is more advantageous.

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Gas mask

Protects against toxic environments and enemies.

General info:

  • This item must be ACTIVATED (“equipped”) for modifiers to apply.
  • Item will be destroyed if equipped while owner is killed.
  • Only one instance of this item can be active at a time.


  • Reduces maximum and current Action Points by 4%.
  • Increases Fire protection by 10%.
  • Increases Acid resistance by 15%.
  • Increases Acid protection by 35%.
  • Increases Posion resistance by 50%.
  • Increases Posion protection by 50%.

Tip/Hint: The best headgear at higher difficulty levels, where enemies with acidic and poisonous attacks are more common.

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Armor repair kit

Restores and maintains your armor's integrity.

General info:

  • Effectiveness category: Technology and Repairs (Electrotechnics) (+25%)
  • Use on SELF or ANY adjacent armored unit (10 AP)(base AP cost: 20)

Usage instructions:

  • Can be used to restore lost Armor rating (front and rear simultaneously).
  • Also restores integrity of mechanical units (turrets, etc.)
  • Cannot be used on objects, doors, walls!
  • You need to be standing next to the target unit.
  • Repairs 15 (12) Armor rating.

Important: Item is CONSUMED on use (under general conditions!)

Tip/Hint: These repair kits are especially useful against Acydias, whose acidic attacks can quickly degrade your armor. If a unit has 0 Armor when receiving Acid damage, it will be dealt directly to Health instead. There are also other acid-based hazards to consider, as well as the fact that armor will be reduced by various types of attacks.

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Crafting materials

  • Top row, from left to right: Scrap, Reusable parts, Insulators, Chemicals
  • These are common materials and are easy to obtain/convert.

  • Bottom row, from left to right: Portable batteries, Electrical components, Asura-49, Deothonit
  • In the Campaign, acquiring or converting a sufficient number of Portable Batteries and Electrical Components is crucial. If you run out of free scans, these materials are required for additional scans.
  • Asura-49 can be obtained from Wunderwurms upon their death.
  • Deothonit can be gathered through mining (or in the Campaign game mode by destroying outcroppings in locations like Nests or mines.)

Tip/Hint: Crafting materials are not only useful for creating weapons and equipment but also for making weapon upgrades, which are available from the beginning of the Campaign.

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equipment.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/30 13:39 by admin