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This entry covers the possible roles in a squad, including their Skills, Weapons, Equipment, and more, with examples, advice, and other details.

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This Marine is equipped to take on the front lines in battle and draw the enemy's interest to themselves. This unit must face and withstand both physical attacks and various hazards. Make sure to bring BioMax Rads for Poison, Neutro for Fire, and Bandages for Bleeding with this Marine. A Bastion's best friend is the Medic, who can prevent them from dying, ease their pain with healing kits, and remove most hazards with the BAT / HazMat-kit.

In dire situations, the Morale of this unit may drop due to the vast number of attacks they receive from enemies. Therefore, having some Morale stimulants in their inventory is highly advised.

Here are some possible (useful but not mandatory) variations of a Bastion's Inventory:

Example #1: A Frontier Axe, some Armor, BioMax Rad pills (for Poison), Neutro (for Fire), Morale, and Health stimulants. Squad Points cost: 23,000 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: A more effective weapon, a Katana, with a Shield, along with some Armor, Bandages (for Bleeding), BioMax Rad pills (for Poison), and Morale stimulants. Squad Points cost: 32,800 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #3: After obtaining some precious Blueprints/loot or via crafting, you can have high-end Armor that boosts your resistances/protections (like the Energy shield), and grants greater damage output* (Energy blade), not to mention the Health-regeneration (Regenerator). Squad Points cost: 62,800 (without any crafted items/promotions).

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: This Marine should be tough as hell. Skill points-wise, the best choices are Endurance (Level: 4-5) and Melee Combat (Level: 4-5). As for Primary Specialization, both Endurance and Melee Combat have their advantages; whichever you choose, the other should be the Secondary Spec for this unit. Also, Agility (Level: 4-5) and Mental Conditioning (Level: 4-5) are crucial to have to create a tanky marine.

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A Sniper's top priority is to take down any enemy that holds back the movement of the Squad, if the target is too dangerous, or simply to reduce the number of enemies—preferably from a distance. As the Sniper is ideally positioned far from the front line, they should be cautious of any flanking attacks. They can also support fellow Squad members by providing equipment or loot if there's any good stuff nearby, or by simply closing doors. Since their attack has a low AP cost, going into Defense Mode with them will halt/knock back inbound enemies during the enemy's Turn. (Note that some Heavy Weapons are also capable of sniping/one-shotting the aliens, but be mindful of the Squad Point cost when equipping those firearms. E.g. Nuclear Hand Cannon, Laser Scorcher. Important: Specialization needs to be changed to Heavy arms when using dedicated heavy weapons.)

Some possible (useful but not mandatory) variations of a Sniper's Inventory:

Example #1: A Sniper rifle with a good amount of ammunition*. This marine also has a few Bandages (for Bleeding), some BioMax Rad pills (for Poison), plus Morale and Health stimulants, too. Squad Points cost: 12,800 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: A Sniper rifle with Armor Piercing and Mercury Ignition Charge bullets*, along with a Tactical Laser Scope (for additional Accuracy, Critical Hit Chance, and Critical Damage Factor). This Marine also has some self-healing equipment, like BioMax Rad pills (for Poison), as well as Morale and Health stimulants. There are also some Bandages and a First aid kit for supporting the Squad. Squad Points cost: 20,140 (without any crafted items/promotions).

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: The main skill a Sniper will use is Marksmanship (Level: 4-5) as they Primary Specialization (precise and deadly shots for less AP). The Secondary Specialization should be Agility (Level: 4-5) for mobility and to have more Action Points overall. Of course, adding some points in Endurance (Level: 3-5) and Mental Conditioning (Level: 3-5) yields extra Health and Morale.

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The presence of a well-equipped Medic in the Squad is imperative. Various hazards and the never-ending, ruthless attacks of the Horde won’t deal gently with your marines. Because of the enemy’s flanks, melee, and ranged strikes, the Bastion and other Squad members will be glad to have some care. Thanks to the Medic’s Primary Specialization in Biochemistry, you can handle even extreme situations without consuming healing items. However, this unit can also deal damage if you put the right weapon and ammunition in their hands. Golden rule: keep your Medic safe, as their sacrificial work is key during many encounters. Nevertheless, equipping your units with some medicines, bandages, and stimulants will support the whole Squad by all means and put less burden on the Medic's shoulders, allowing them to concentrate on those who are severely injured.

Variations of a Medic's Inventory (some items are mandatory, weapons/ammo can be varied):

Example #1: This setup should suffice until the middle to high difficulty levels. The weapon (a Shotgun) is particularly potent at close range (1 grid), and the Medic can effectively restore the health of fellow marines and mitigate significant amounts of poison. Squad Points cost: 40,440 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: The HCB Bio-warfare ammo* loaded into this Bulleteer causes substantial damage. Having this amount of medical equipment is highly advisable in higher difficulty levels. The HazMat-kits, Trauma kits, and two stacks of BAT (bioactive anti-toxin) are must-haves in harder scenarios. Squad Points cost: 60,300 (without any crafted items/promotions).

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: The Primary Specialization for a Medic will go to the Biochemistry Skill (Level 4-5). Secondary Specializations may vary, but it is advised to have Level 3-5 in the Agility Skill and/or Marksmanship Skill. Allocate Skill Points to Endurance and Mental Conditioning (Levels 1-5) to boost their Health and Morale.

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What really makes this unit useful is their hacking ability thanks to their gadgets. They can open or close/seal doors, hack databanks, and handle ordnances like turrets and mines. Turrets are also tanky, and if placed by Technicians, they have a higher damage output. It is practical to use them to seal service tunnel hatches too, as they can do it for fewer Action Points compared to other marines. Equipping this unit with the right tools and using these tools wisely allows you to control the movement of the enemy and acquire precious loot. Don’t treat them as if they are only a support unit. Gear them up with proper weapons and ammunition, and they will perform well during encounters.

Some (useful but not mandatory) variations of a Technician's Inventory:

Example #1: A cheap but still effective setup for lower difficulty levels, a Bulleteer with some HCB Armor piercing ammunition*, three Smart mines, a simple hacking tool, the Quickhacker to hack Databanks or doors, and some “health preserver medicine”. Squad Points cost: 15,900 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: This setup is the high-end of Technicians.

Squad Points cost: 67,350 (without any crafted items/promotions).

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: They must have Electrotechnics as their Primary Specialization (Level 4-5) and a lot of APs. Technicians may have Agility Skill (Level 4-5) for Secondary Specialization, or Marksmanship (Level 3-5), as you prefer. Consider adding some Skill Points to Endurance and Mental Conditioning (both can be Level 1-5 based on your free Skill Points) to improve Health and Morale.

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As they are carrying some savage weapons, Heavys can one-hit enemies or eliminate many of them easily with their AOE attacks. Equipping them with such armaments is costly but very effective. Find the sweet spot for them so they can prepare more strikes if you save the right amount of Action Points for these actions. Using Heavy weapons yields demolition and hazards (fire, acid, poison, etc.) within range. Use this to drive alien movement, snipe primary targets, and eliminate grouped foes. If you need to tear down some walls or break through doors, Heavys will be more than happy to assist you—depending on their type of weapon, of course! Note that these demolishers often have to toggle Friendly Fire on, so plan your actions carefully, as a chain reaction can potentially occur due to these actions!

Here are some possible (useful but not mandatory) variations of a Heavy's Inventory (medicines included):

Example #1: A Grenade launcher with High Explosive, Acid and Armor Piercing charges*. This is a setup for a real demolisher. The Self-defense pistol is a backup weapon. Squad Points cost: 25,640 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: This is a Laser Scorcher with a lot of Condensed Energy Charges*. This setup is quite expensive, so it's advisable to use crafted items to save Squad Points. Needless to say, this weapon is brutally effective. (Not to mention the two Incendiary grenades.) Squad Points cost: 75,400 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #3: The Nuclear hand cannon with two types of SuperShells*. Snipe the target, then—if it’s still alive—detonate the explosive charges. This weapon boasts a respectable impact force. Squad Points cost: 47,400 (without any crafted items/promotions)

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: Spend your Skill Points (Level 4-5) on Heavy arms and make it your Primary Specialization; this will remarkably improve the Heavy’s damage. All you need is some additional Action Points provided by the Secondary Specialization in Agility (Level 4-5). Also, improve the Heavy’s Health and Morale by assigning Skill Points to Endurance and Mental Conditioning (Levels 1-5).

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This role offers various combinations, allowing you to equip these units in many ways to suit the mission at hand. They can support other marines, prepare attacks, inflict significant damage, or hold a position if needed. The latter can be achieved by equipping a shield, which sacrifices some Action Points but provides a more resistant unit. With access to numerous ammunition types, a marine with a CQW (Close Quarters Warfare) weapon can be a serious damage dealer. Consider Armor Penetration, Poison, Acid, Fire, Cryo, and other damage types or combos they can inflict alone or with another squad member. They can also use grenades if the situation requires them.

Different configurations for a CQW user squad member (pills included):

Example #1: Using the QuadSeeker's two attack modes along with the HCB High Explosive and Acid Charges*, this unit can effectively destroy the enemy. This is just one example of the acid/fire combo in action. Squad Points cost: 14,300 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: Tanky and deadly. A shield paired with a Shotgun, equipped with different types of 12 gauge shells (Acid Charges, Bio-warfare, and Armor Piercing*) in the Inventory. This setup supports other marines by repairing their Armor rating with the Armor repair kit and the Technician’s turret with the Field repair kit, if needed. Squad Points cost: 34,120 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #3: A great setup for freezing aliens is using the Bulleteer with HCB Cryo charges*, along with Cryo grenades. Additionally, having someone with a high-impact force weapon like a Sniper rifle or Nuclear hand cannon can shatter your foes. Squad Points cost: 36,050 (without any crafted items/promotions)

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: A marine using a CQW weapon should have the Marksmanship Skill (Level 4-5) as their Primary Specialization. The Secondary Spec. can be Agility (Level 4-5) for mobility and to perform more actions. Boost this unit’s Health and Morale by leveling up Endurance and Mental Conditioning (Levels 1-5) with Skill Points.

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Not every unit needs to fill a specific role; generally, they are marines capable of using all weapons and gadgets. The difference lies in efficiency. If the available Skill Points don't allow for specific roles, that doesn't make a unit worthless. However, having both Specializations set is mandatory and well-advised. Similarly, equipping each unit with a proper weapon, a reasonable amount of ammunition, and some helpful items (like bandages, stimulants, grenades, etc.) is highly recommended. Spending Skill Points on Field expertise, Biochemistry, or Electrotechnics will also yield benefits for you.

Note: It is imperative to bring enough ammo to a mission. Though – with some luck – you may find ammo, or even weapons during the mission, it is best practice to estimate how much ammo you would need in the worst case. For example, if you could fire a rifle, say, 4 times a turn on average, and each attack cost 5 ammo, then for a mission that had a deadline of 20 turns, a minimum safe amount would be a stack of 4x5x20=400.

Possible equipment:

Example #1: An infantry unit equipped with an Assault rifle, a proper amount of ammunition*, a Smart mine, some grenades, and healing equipment. Squad Points cost: 19,440 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #2: A Field expertise specialist, now serving as a grenadier with a Self-defense pistol and a Riot shield. This marine is somewhat tanky and capable of causing serious AOE damage. Squad Points cost: 37,140 (without any crafted items/promotions).

Example #3: Equipped with an Energy rifle and carrying a lot of Energy Charges*, this marine can ignite many enemies. They also carry a Biosign scanner to gain intel about the aliens’ positions, along with medicines for both themselves and fellow Squad members. Squad Points cost: 49,850 (without any crafted items/promotions).

*The details about the different ammunition types can be found under the respective weapons descriptions.

Skill Points: Essentially, to perform more actions, having the Agility Skill (Level 3-5) is suggested. For sufficient damage output, the Marksmanship Skill (Level 3-5) is favored. Choosing Primary and Secondary Specializations can be adjusted to the actual task. Always spend Skill Points on Endurance and Mental Conditioning (Levels 1-5) to enhance the marines’ Health and Morale, if possible.

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squad_roles.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/30 13:39 by admin