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Flak cannon
M41-E combined grenade launcher
Heavy arm
Cost: 10000 Credits
The “M41-E” grenade launcher is the ultimate nemesis of armored targets and groups! Firing highly explosive M-4X grenades, it's a deadly, devastating end to everything! Has a very high AP cost for firing and also for reloading. It is also equipped with a built-in .223 SMG. This, however, is only good against light and lesser targets. The launcher can be modded to support the firing of highly destructive missiles as well!

Grenade launcher

Ammo type Ammo capacity Critical Threshold Reload APs
M-4X grenade 2 20 (5%) 4
Property Grenade Smoke grenade Missile
Range (grids) 7 7 13
Targeting mode arc arc star
Static/base precision 10 10 15
Action Points 10 10 12
Ammo consumption 1x 1x 1x
Base damage 30 5 70
Random damage 30 5 30
Base maxDmg range 30-60 5-10 70-100
Target area (grids) 5×5 5×5 3×3
Distance dmg. decay* 75% 100% 50%
Impact force 25 0 100
Armor penetration 5 0 20
Tranquilization - 50 -
Special - - -
Module needed - - Yes

Built-in SMG

Ammo type Ammo capacity Critical Threshold Reload APs
.223 40 20 (5%) 2
Property Burst
Range (grids) 7
Targeting mode star
Static/base precision 0
Action Points 4
Ammo consumption 5x
Base damage 6
Random damage 8
Base maxDmg range 6-14
Target area (grids) 1
Distance dmg. decay* -
Impact force 2
Armor penetration 2
Tranquilization -
Special -
Module needed -

* Given %s of base maxDmg is applied to the adjacent grids. In case of 5×5 areas, the outer targets get %s of their neighbors, i.e. %×% of base maxDmg.

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grenadeer.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 15:18 by admin