Flak cannon | |
M41-E combined grenade launcher | |
Heavy arm | |
Cost: 10000 Credits | |
The “M41-E” grenade launcher is the ultimate nemesis of armored targets and groups! Firing highly explosive M-4X grenades, it's a deadly, devastating end to everything! Has a very high AP cost for firing and also for reloading. It is also equipped with a built-in .223 SMG. This, however, is only good against light and lesser targets. The launcher can be modded to support the firing of highly destructive missiles as well! | |
Grenade launcher
Ammunition | | | | |
Ammo type | Ammo capacity | Critical Threshold | Reload APs | |
M-4X grenade | 2 | 20 (5%) | 4 | |
Built-in SMG
Ammunition | | | | |
Ammo type | Ammo capacity | Critical Threshold | Reload APs | |
.223 | 40 | 20 (5%) | 2 | |
* Given %s of base maxDmg is applied to the adjacent grids. In case of 5×5 areas, the outer targets get %s of their neighbors, i.e. %×% of base maxDmg.
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