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Assault rifle
FW-2 Longsword semi-precision auto-rifle
Small arm
Cost: 5500 Credits
Spec. ops grade stormtrooper weapon, with medium firepower and quick rate of fire to effectively spray one or a group of quickly moving targets. With a very neat impact force, it's good for holding off multiple enemies. With an automatized reloading system, the AP cost is minimal. Since it's a typical standardized factory production model, it's not moddable. Takes advantage of using the common .223 ammo that comes in many special subtypes.
Ammo type Ammo capacity Critical Threshold Reload APs
.223 40 20 (5%) 2


Property Single fire Short burst Full burst
Range (grids) 10 10 10
Targeting mode star star sweep
Static/base precision 5 3 1
Action Points 4 5 6
Ammo consumption 1x 4x 8x
Base damage 8 20 20
Random damage 8 15 25
Base maxDmg range 8-16 20-35 20-45
Target area (grids) 1 1 3×3
Distance dmg. decay* - - 33%
Impact force 3 15 30
Armor penetration 3 10 15
Tranquilization - - -
Special - - -
Module needed - - -

* Given %s of base maxDmg is applied to the adjacent grids. In case of 5×5 areas, the outer targets get %s of their neighbors, i.e. %×% of base maxDmg.

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assault.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/03 13:51 by admin