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basic_concepts [2022/02/04 10:07]
admin [Morale]
basic_concepts [2022/02/13 15:13] (current)
admin [Turns and Action Points]
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 USC is a //per player turn-based game//, which means that players (including the AI) take turns in a pre-defined order, and when active, they may move every and all of their units. This is called a player's //active turn//, inside which the order of units to act with is completely up to the player, and they may even switch "forth and back" between units, following a carefully planned strategy, adapting to action results. USC is a //per player turn-based game//, which means that players (including the AI) take turns in a pre-defined order, and when active, they may move every and all of their units. This is called a player's //active turn//, inside which the order of units to act with is completely up to the player, and they may even switch "forth and back" between units, following a carefully planned strategy, adapting to action results.
-The "amount of action" (movement, combat, interacting with objects, etc.) a single unit can perform in a turn is measured in //Action Points (AP)//. Based on their  [[units_detail#Stamina]] Stamina and a few possible minor circumstances, a unit, in general, has 15-25 APs per turn. Different actions cost //different// amount of APs.+The "amount of action" (movement, combat, interacting with objects, etc.) a single unit can perform in a turn is measured in //Action Points (AP)//. Based on their  [[units_detail#Stamina]] and a few possible minor circumstances, a unit, in general, has 15-25 APs per turn. Different actions cost //different// amount of APs.
 The following table summarizes the most general AP costs (without specific skill bonuses):  The following table summarizes the most general AP costs (without specific skill bonuses):
basic_concepts.1643965664.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/04 10:07 by admin