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chainsaw [2022/02/03 11:42]
chainsaw [2022/02/03 12:47] (current)
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-^Combat chainsaw^ {{:chainsaw-150x80.png?400|}} ^+^ Combat chainsaw ^ {{:chainsaw-150x80.png?400|}} ^
 | USC-M2  | | USC-M2  |
 | **Martial weapon** | | **Martial weapon** |
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 | In some situations, raw firepower is simply not enough. Beholding the usefulness of the officer's sword, the Command chose to develop this kerosene-fuelled monster to punch through any organic matter and light armor. Somewhat harder to control, the chainsaw can deal nearly double the damage, and the hell of titanium teeth often leaves bleeding open wounds and crippled limbs behind. | | In some situations, raw firepower is simply not enough. Beholding the usefulness of the officer's sword, the Command chose to develop this kerosene-fuelled monster to punch through any organic matter and light armor. Somewhat harder to control, the chainsaw can deal nearly double the damage, and the hell of titanium teeth often leaves bleeding open wounds and crippled limbs behind. |
-^ __Ammunition__ ^+^ __Ammunition__ ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
 | **Ammo type** | **Ammo capacity** | **Critical Threshold** | **Reload APs** | {{:kerosene.png?50|}} | | **Ammo type** | **Ammo capacity** | **Critical Threshold** | **Reload APs** | {{:kerosene.png?50|}} |
 | [[kerosene|Kerosene]] | 20 | //15 (30%)// | //4// | | [[kerosene|Kerosene]] | 20 | //15 (30%)// | //4// |
chainsaw.1643884926.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/02/03 11:42 by admin