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campaign [2024/08/28 14:37]
admin [Avoid Large Hordes/Nests Early On]
campaign [2024/08/28 14:49] (current)
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 ====== THE CAMPAIGN ====== ====== THE CAMPAIGN ======
-<color red>===== WORK IN PROGRESS =====</color> 
 ===The Campaign mode offers a rich and challenging experience, especially for those new to the game or genre. This guide will walk you through the basics to ensure you get off to a strong start.=== ===The Campaign mode offers a rich and challenging experience, especially for those new to the game or genre. This guide will walk you through the basics to ensure you get off to a strong start.===
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 ====Understanding the Converters==== ====Understanding the Converters====
-In the Campaign, you’ll encounter three converters that are crucial for your progression. These converters allow you to transform materials into other materials or convert them into Squad Points. Be sure to locate and secure these converters early in your missions, as they’ll be vital for crafting and [[squad#blueprints_weapon_upgrades|upgrades]]. The third converter is faction-related–you can convert Deothonit and Asura-49 to any other crafting material on the //Free Earth Smugglers’// black market.+In the Campaign, you’ll encounter three converters that are crucial for your progression. These converters allow you to transform materials into other materials or convert them into Squad Points. Be sure to locate and secure these converters early in your missions, as they’ll be vital for crafting and [[squad#blueprints_weapon_upgrades|upgrades]]. The third converter is faction-related–you can convert [[equipment#crafting_materials|Deothonit]] and [[equipment#crafting_materials|Asura-49]] to any other crafting material on the //Free Earth Smugglers’// black market.
 **Converter #1**: Converts crafting materials into other crafting materials. **Converter #1**: Converts crafting materials into other crafting materials.
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-__Pro tip__: a fourth way to convert Deothonit to other materials (with some added benefit) is to buy weapon prototypes from a faction (it will also increase your approval with them), and disassemble them (except the few that are worth keeping). Disassembling a prototype blueprint gives you **25%** of all materials of its cost, effectively converting Deothonit to 4-5 types of different materials while also increasing your reputation and giving a chance for a good prototype.+__**Pro tip**__: a fourth way to convert Deothonit to other materials (with some added benefit) is to buy weapon prototypes from a faction (it will also increase your approval with them), and disassemble them (except the few that are worth keeping). Disassembling a prototype blueprint gives you **25%** of all materials of its cost, effectively converting Deothonit to 4-5 types of different materials while also increasing your reputation and giving a chance for a good prototype.
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 ====Deothonit Mining and Looting==== ====Deothonit Mining and Looting====
-Deothonit crystals are a rare and valuable resource. While you can mine them, it’s not the only way to acquire these crystals. Another effective method is to undertake Nest missions. By destroying outcroppings during these missions, you can loot Deothonit crystals without needing to mine. If you’re lucky, derelict sites and faction-given special missions can also lead to mines, where you can find smaller amounts of Deothonit if you destroy the small outcroppings.+<color yellow>Deothonit crystals</color> are a //rare// and valuable resource. While you can mine them, it’s not the only way to acquire these crystals. Another effective method is to undertake <color #0F0>Nest</color> missions. By <color orange>destroying outcroppings</color> during these missions, you can loot Deothonit crystals without needing to mine. If you’re lucky, derelict sites and faction-given special missions can also lead to mines, where you can find smaller amounts of Deothonit if you destroy the small outcroppings.
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 ====Squad Assembly==== ====Squad Assembly====
-Carefully assemble your Squad. Each marine can have their [[squad#skills|Skill Points]] reset once, so experiment with different builds. Pay attention to [[tactics#combos|combos]], such as freezing/shattering and acid/fire, which can be devastating against enemies.+Carefully assemble your Squad. Each marine can have their [[squad#skills|Skill Points]] reset __**once**__, so experiment with different builds. Pay attention to [[tactics#combos|combos]], such as freezing/shattering and acid/fire, which can be devastating against enemies.
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   * [[squad_roles#technician|Technician]]: Can handle hacking tasks and deploy gadgets more effectively.   * [[squad_roles#technician|Technician]]: Can handle hacking tasks and deploy gadgets more effectively.
   * [[squad_roles#heavy_arm_specialist|Heavy]] / [[squad_roles#sniper|Sniper]]: Brings the firepower needed to deal with tougher enemies.   * [[squad_roles#heavy_arm_specialist|Heavy]] / [[squad_roles#sniper|Sniper]]: Brings the firepower needed to deal with tougher enemies.
-For more information, check out the Squad Roles entry.+For more information, check out the [[squad_roles|Squad Roles entry]].
 **Note**: Don’t forget that all marines can use any weapon. Just [[basics#itemspick_up_drop_pass|drop/pick up/pass]] items as needed. However, marines trained in specific [[skills|Skills]] will be more effective with those weapons. **Note**: Don’t forget that all marines can use any weapon. Just [[basics#itemspick_up_drop_pass|drop/pick up/pass]] items as needed. However, marines trained in specific [[skills|Skills]] will be more effective with those weapons.
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 ====Avoid Large Hordes/Nests Early On==== ====Avoid Large Hordes/Nests Early On====
-Until your Squad is well-equipped, avoid engaging large //Hordes/or //Nests//. Use your Scans to monitor the planet’s surface and plan your missions accordingly. Favor derelict sites and faction-given missions, so you can prepare your marines to face larger hordes and Nests.+Until your Squad is well-equipped, **avoid** engaging <color yellow>large Hordes</color> or <color yellow>Nests</color>. Use your Scans to monitor the planet’s surface and plan your missions accordingly. Favor [[#maximize_loot|derelict sites]] and faction-given missions, so you can prepare your marines to face larger hordes and Nests.
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 ====Use Nukes in Desperate Situations==== ====Use Nukes in Desperate Situations====
-If you find yourself overwhelmed by alien hordes, don’t hesitate to use a nuke. As a general rule of thumb, don’t waste nukes on Hordes that contain less than 100 enemies, but don’t hesitate to push that button if you see a “mega-horde” of 200 or more. Remember that it is NOT necessary to destroy all hordes to progress with the Campaign, so try to conserve nukes when you can.+If you find yourself overwhelmed by alien hordes, don’t hesitate to use a nuke. As a general rule of thumb, don’t waste nukes on Hordes that contain **less** than 100 enemies, but don’t hesitate to push that button if you see a “mega-horde” of 200 or **more**. Remember that it is **NOT** necessary to destroy all hordes to progress with the Campaign, so try to conserve nukes when you can.
 __Tip/hint__: nuking a sector creates a crater, destroys all Deothonit, and renders the sector very poisonous for the rest of the game. If you can, try to “lure” big hordes to the same sector and nuke them there so you don’t lose important ground. __Tip/hint__: nuking a sector creates a crater, destroys all Deothonit, and renders the sector very poisonous for the rest of the game. If you can, try to “lure” big hordes to the same sector and nuke them there so you don’t lose important ground.
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 ====Loot Databanks for Prototypes==== ====Loot Databanks for Prototypes====
-Be on the lookout for Databanks, as those are the sources of Datapads and Code fragments. Disassembling these will yield additional valuable crafting materials such as Portable batteries and Electrical components.+Be on the lookout for Databanks, as those are the sources of <color orange>Datapads</color> and <color orange>Code fragments</color>. Disassembling these will yield additional valuable crafting materials such as [[equipment#crafting_materials|Portable batteries]] and [[equipment#crafting_materials|Electrical components]].
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 ====Favor a Faction==== ====Favor a Faction====
-As you progress, choose a faction to favor (though it’s not mandatory). Building a strong relationship with a faction can lead to better Squad abilities and stronger units.+As you progress, choose a faction to favor (though it’s //not// mandatory). Building a strong relationship with a faction can lead to better Squad abilities and stronger units.
 __Tip/hint__: contrary to non-Campaign game modes, factions are the only source for higher Mark weapon upgrades and weapon prototypes. The higher approval you have with a faction, the lower the cost you can get these from them. Prototype quality also improves with approval. __Tip/hint__: contrary to non-Campaign game modes, factions are the only source for higher Mark weapon upgrades and weapon prototypes. The higher approval you have with a faction, the lower the cost you can get these from them. Prototype quality also improves with approval.
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 ====Know when to Extract==== ====Know when to Extract====
-If a mission goes south, don’t be afraid to extract your marines. It’s better to fail a mission than to lose your marines and valuable items. Multi-mission operations (derelict sites, faction-given missions, Nests) usually let you withdraw in the first few phases. Read the briefing carefully so you know where’s the point of no return.+If a mission goes south, don’t be afraid to [[tactics#extracting_units|extract your marines]]. It’s better to fail a mission than to lose your marines and valuable items. Multi-mission operations (derelict sites, faction-given missions, Nests) usually let you withdraw in the first few phases. Read the briefing **carefully** so you know where’s the point of no return.
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 ====Study Tactics==== ====Study Tactics====
-Finally, review all the Tactics entries in the Encyclopedia/Wiki. Understanding these strategies will give you a significant advantage as you face increasingly tough challenges.+Finally, review all the [[tactics|Tactics entries]] in the Encyclopedia/Wiki. Understanding these strategies will give you a significant advantage as you face increasingly tough challenges.
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campaign.1724848639.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/28 14:37 by admin